Gujrat University like Ahemdabad and gandhinagar 20% seat are filled
Only 20% seats are filled in Self Finance College of Gujarat University Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar: Admission process for Gujarat University B.Sc. In this admission process, all the students filled their forms and the process of rounding also started, after that in Self Finance College of Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar all the rounds were completed but 10% seats were filled.
At the end of five rounds, many seats remained vacant in Gujarat University B.Sc B.Sc colleges while only 10% seats were filled up.
The number was reduced due to the fact that this type of seat remained vacant resulting in no attention
50,000 out of 1.5 lakh students failed in 12 sciences. On the one hand, passing students and on the other hand increasing demand for skill base courses written in engineering and medical paramedic courses and branches, the numbers in B.Sc.
In which 115 out of 15550 B.Sc seats remained vacant from two colleges of Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar.